Friday, March 2, 2007

I'm back

I just got back from Uxmal on the Yucatan Wednesday night. I got there a day early & figured I'd explore the town/ village maybe even find some indigenous fiber. Guess what? No freakin' town or village! Just a couple hotels & the Mayan ruins! However, the trip had an unexpected treat for my other hobby, herpetology, in the form of free-range rock iguanas! Not much knitting got done. On the plane ride to Mexico, I slept a lot. At the conference I spent most of my time learning about what a crazy metaloid aluminum is, socializing with a small group of scientists all over the world, and trapezing about these ancient Mayan ruins. But the main thing I've been working on is another pair of the garter mitts from One Skein and an improvised matching scarf/sash in the same sock yarn using garter and elongated stitches. They are to be a belated birthday gift for my best friend. Hey, they weren't thought of at the last minute, I just haven't had as much knit time this semester. It sucks. But that's for another blog.

These lovely ladies were found just off of the patio bar, where I was desperately trying to learn some espanol. This was their body-guard.

Regrettably,I didn't bring a swimsuit.This brave one came up to me. I guess people offer them fruit from time to time. I would.
This guy was the unofficial guard of the temple.
This is an ancient Mayan ball court. One of the goals is still in tact on the left.

We didn't get the overpriced tour guide, so I'm sorry I can't provide more interesting and enlightening captions.

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