Monday, January 8, 2007

First Day of School, Happy Mail Day, & I Need an Umbrella Swift

Today was the first day of the new semester, but more importantly it was a happy mail day! Not only did I get the high whorl drop spindle from this eBay store which, by the way, came with a bit of free roving (very nice!), but the Lime & Violet yarn came in too! Yea! Lookit all the goodies!
So I started balling up the Bizarre Love Triangle on my new X-mas present so I can work with it ASAP. As you can see, I have to clamp it to a chair since the table we have is not designed for the ball winder. I was using the back of the chair to keep the yarn straight.


... about a third of it now resembles the Flying Spagetti Monster.

I am now attacking the Bizarre Love Tangle from the other end. I realize that an umbrella swift is a necessary companion to the ball winder. I'll be waiting to wind the other hank when I go to Wild Fibre on saturday, if not sooner.

But I love the yarn, so thank you thank you thank you L & V !!!


Anonymous said...

Great blog! I like to crochet, but I never learned how to knit... it's too hard! I'm trying to get into weaving now. Good luck in unwinding that mess!

Anonymous said...

Hey Binty,
What are you making now? Haven't heard from you in a while...